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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Advanced Surgical Arts offers cosmetic breast augmentation surgery that can lift your breasts, change their shape and/or restore lost breast volume. Breast augmentation surgery can also help to make breasts more symmetrical if one is larger than the other. If you have been thinking about breast surgery, contact board certified Dr. Doohi Lee for a complimentary consultation to learn how cosmetic surgery can help you to get the breasts you desire.

Considerations Before Surgery

There are several decisions that need to made before having breast augmentation surgery including;

  • Size of Implant
  • Type of Implant
  • Placement of Implant
  • Surface of Implant
  • Location of Incision
Size of Breast Implant

One of the first decisions you will need to make before you meet with any doctor is the breast size and overall look that you are wanting to achieve. Dr. Doohi Lee use special sizers to help you visualize different implant shapes and sizes. They can be placed under your clothing to help you see how you would look with different shapes and sizes. This first decision is so important to the outcome of your surgery, that Dr. Lee will use his trained aesthetic eye to  help you to choose the implant that best fits your body shape. 

Type of Breast Implant

There are primarily two types of breast implants; saline, and silicone. Saline implants are inserted while they’re deflated, then filled after they are placed in the body. Silicone implants are pre-filled with a gel-like material that feels and moves more like your natural breasts. Both types of implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes and should last more than 10 years.

  • Breast Augmentation, Cosmetic Surgery by Dr. Lee
    Female 28 - 12 Months Post OP Breast Augmentation

Implant Placement

Implants can be placed in front of or behind your chest muscles. The best placement location depends on your ultimate appearance goals and the density of your breast tissue. During your consultation, the doctor will explain which method is best for your body.

Implant Surface

Saline and silicone implants both have an outer silicone shell. This shell can have a smooth or textured surface. Smooth implants move slightly, mimicking natural breasts, while textured implants promote tissue growth that holds them in place.

Location of Incision 

The incision for breast augmentation is typically made in one of three places — the fold under your breast, around the nipple or in your armpit. A less common method for insertion is through your belly-button- transumbilical(TUBA). The TUBA method is used if you are concerned with hiding the incision marks.  Dr. Lee is an expert in all of these breast augmentation methods. 

If You Have Questions About Breast Augmentation Surgery, Call 972-612-1900 for a Complimentary Consultation.

Advanced Surgical Arts, Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. LeeDoohi Lee, MD – Experienced Cosmetic Surgeon

Dr. Lee is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery. He has trained with many top breast surgeons including Dr. Peter Chesky who has performed over 15,000 TUBA operations. When you are considering a cosmetic surgery procedure, it is important that you choose a surgeon with proper experience and education.